Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(Sermon of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church) Saint Thomas Aquinas calls the mystery of the Incarnation of the Eternal Word, “the miracle of miracles”. What greater prodigy could the world behold, than a woman become the Mother of God, and a God clothed in human flesh. Let us therefore…

Feast of Saint Joseph
(from the writings of Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop, and Doctor of the Church) All virtues and perfections were then reflected absolutely in Saint Joseph, so that it almost seemed as if he were as perfect and possessed all virtues in as high a degree as the glorious Virgin Mary. Certainly, Saint Joseph is most…

Saint Patrick
[from the “The Liturgical Year” by Dom Prosper Guéranger] The Saint we have to honour today is the Apostle of that faithful people, whose martyrdom has lasted three hundred years: it is the great Saint Patrick, he that gave Erin the Faith. There shone most brightly in this saint that gift of the Apostolate, which…