Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
( A Sermon of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Father and Doctor of the Church)
The hoped-for day of the Blessed and Venerable Mary ever a Virgin has now come; therefore let our earth rejoice with great gladness, illuminated by the birth of so great a Virgin. For she is the flower of the field from which came forth the priceless lily of the valley; by her childbearing the nature inherited from our first parents is changed, their fault wiped out. In her that sentence passed on Eve was remitted which said, “In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children, ” for Mary brought forth the Lord in joy.
Eve sorrowed, but Mary exulted; Eve carried weeping in her womb, but Mary carried joy, for Eve brought forth a sinner, but Mary brought forth Innocence Itself. The mother of our race brought punishment into the world, but the Mother of Our Lord brought salvation into the world. Eve was the source of sin, Mary was the source of merit. Eve by killing was a hindrance, Mary by giving life was a help. Eve wounded, Mary healed. Obedience takes the place of disobedience, faith makes up for faithlessness.
Mary may now play on her instruments, the Mother strike the cymbals with swift fingers. The joyful choruses may sound out, and songs alternate with sweet harmonies. Hear, then, how she sings, she who leads our chorus. For she says, “My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior; because He hath regarded the humility of His handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For He that is mighty hath done great things to me. ” And so the miraculous new birth (of Mary) takes away the cause of our increasing burden of sin, and Mary’s Canticle puts an end to the weeping of Eve.
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