Statement from His Excellency Bishop Joseph Pfeiffer on the Covid 19 vaccine

Pursuant Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which mandates that employers must make reasonable accommodations for an employee’s religious beliefs, as long as the accommodation does not impose an undue hardship on the employer, my sincerely held religious belief as a Traditional Roman Catholic requires me to request Exemption from compulsory vaccination Covid-19.
Hereto attached, please find a letter to me from my Bishop and confessor of the Holy Roman Catholic Faith detailing the tenets of my Faith regarding the Covid-19 vaccine.
Respectfully submitted by:

Aug. 6, 2021
Dear Faithful followers of Christ
To Whom it May Concern,

The Covid-19 Vaccine is immoral for Catholics to take. Receiving this vaccine is a Mortal Sin for multiple reasons of which the following three are here noted.

It is against the Divine Natural Law for any authority to coerce another to take any medications, foods, against their will. This is a mortal Violation of basic Freedom which God gave to every man. According to Catholic Teaching the Government has no authority to control anyone’s private life especially as regards his health. The Covid-19 Vaccines are being used by government authorities in a gravely immoral way when the governments, employers, Church leaders, or any other person in position of Au
thority forces this Vaccine or any other “medicine” on his subjects as condition of avoiding punishment in this life. The Catholic Church teaches that all men should be baptized and yet She teaches at the same time that it is NEVER allowed for anyone to be forced into Baptism against their will. To do so would be a most grave Mortal Sin on the part of the one forcing Baptism. All the more, no one has the right to force the Covid-19 Vaccines, or any medicine, on anyone against their will. This sin is far more grave when whole peoples are forced to take the Covid-19 Vaccines. The Bible teaches that the Anti-Christ, “the man of sin” will force each man, woman, child to receive the “mark of the Beast” as a condition to be allowed to buy and sell or function normally in society. The Bible teaches that the just man must refuse this mark. The Covid-19 Vaccines are a conditioning and preparation for this wicked “mark of the Beast” and therefore should be opposed by every Citizen of God.
The Covid-19 Vaccines are tested and formed using murdered aborted fetuses, and/or contain parts of human fetuses in their ingredients, rendering the reception of the Vaccine a participation in the abortion industry and/or an actual receiving of murdered stolen body parts of a real human being, namely a Child murdered by abortion. This is a Mortal sin.
The Covid-19 Vaccines are harmful to the body which is a Temple of the Holy Ghost. No man has a right to expose his health to grave danger without a proportionate reason. Being forced out of fear to take a Vaccine that may cause death, grave illness, etc. in order to possibly overcome a virus with 99% recovery rate and which one may not even get anyway is not justified.
Whoever dies in the state of unrepentant Mortal sin goes to Hell forever. We were Created to show forth God’s goodness and to Know, Love, and Serve God in this world so that we may be happy with Him in the next world of Heaven. The Covid-19 vac cines are against each of these things and therefore, all faithful Catholics are obligated in their consciences to avoid this vaccine.
In Christ,
+Bishop Joseph Pfeiffer